Keith (Cobber) Lethbridge, WA State Champion Bush Poet many times over the last fifteen years, is not only an outstanding poet and raconteur but also a JP and authorised Marriage celebrant, So if wedding bells are in the offing, why not add a touch of the bush and make it Wedding Poems and Yarns as well.


Cobber offers a uniquely Australian celebrant service with added bush music and recited bush poetry. His celebrant service is simple, but sincere, not read from a script but covering all the legal requirements in plain, honest language.
Cobber also provides “Camp-fire Counselling” drawing knowledge from his psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and naturopathy qualifications. He is also a Justice of Peace.
Bush Poetry
"Keith "Cobber" Lethbridge has performed at all 15 Derby Bush Poets Breakfast. A champion yarn-spinner and great on the gumleaf."
- Hilary Smale (2015) ABC Rural